Digital Marketing Specialists

Ready to pitch for your business

Lead Kinetics makes outsourcing your marketing requirements easier by providing plans whereby you can work directly with Digital Marketing specialists who can slot into your team for any duration you require without the need to hire internally or source freelancers.

We partner with clients, blending insight, strategy, and imagination, to bring a greater degree of precision to project planning and implementation. This significantly reduces the level of potential risk and enables the commitment of financial expenditure, to be made with confidence and assuredness.

Every pound of expenditure will be made to work for you.

Book a no obligation discovery call

  • Step 1

    Working with you, we listen closely to your marketing requirements, needs and expectations.

  • Step 2

    We assign a Digital Marketing Specialist and arrange a call for a two-way, detailed planning discussion.

  • Step 3

    The Specialist will present for your consideration, their ideas for content/strategy or talk through their specialisms, pinpointing the most efficient and effective ways to achieve the best results

Digital Marketing Specialists Available In….


Social Media

Social Media Managers

Social Media Strategists

Social Media Assistants

Social Media Analysts

Social Media Content Creators

Content Marketing

Community Managers


Content Creators and Contributors

Graphic Designers

Editorial Assistants


Digital Marketing Generalists

Email Marketing

Social Advertising/Selling

Search Engine Optimisation

Analytics Specialists

Some of the benefits

• Direct access to digital marketing specialists.

  • Daily/weekly support from Lead kinetics as required.

• Flat monthly fee, so you are always in control.

• Monthly rolling contracts. You remain in full control of project durations.

• No employment liabilities or IR35 responsibilities

• Remote working (as required)

• Flexibility to increase/decrease/pause monthly, depending on your requirements and budgets

  • Savings of up to 60% compared with other hiring & marketing options.


For more information or to arrange a call please get in touch.